Comic Character Politics Pinbacks

Character: Andy Gump
Comic Strip: Andy Gump
Pinback Date: 1920s
Manufacturer: Bastian Brothers
Text: "The News" Andy Gump For Congress.
Notes: 1" celluloid with backpaper and manufacturer's stamp on curl.
Keywords: Newspaper Politics

Character: Andy Gump
Comic Strip: Andy Gump
Pinback Date: 1920s
Text: Andy Gump For Congress.
Notes: 13/16" celluloid with backpaper.
Keywords: Politics

Character: Andy Gump
Comic Strip: Andy Gump
Pinback Date: 1920s
Manufacturer: Basatian Brothers
Text: Andy Gump For Congress.
Notes: 7/8" celluloid with manufacturer stamp on curl and backpaper.
Keywords: Politics

Character: Andy Gump
Comic Strip: Andy Gump
Pinback Date: 1920s
Manufacturer: Bastian Brothers
Text: Andy Gump For President.
Notes: 13/16" celluloid with union stamp on front, manufacturer stamp on curl, backpaper.
Keywords: Politics

Character: Andy Gump
Comic Strip: Andy Gump
Pinback Date: 1920s
Manufacturer: Bastian Brothers
Text: Andy Gump For President.
Notes: 13/16" celluloid with union stamp on front, manufacturer stamp on curl, union stamp on reverse.
Keywords: Politics

Character: Andy Gump
Comic Strip: Andy Gump
Pinback Date: 1920s
Manufacturer: Bastian Brothers
Text: Gump for Congress. See Evening Sun.
Notes: 13/16" celluloid with manufacturer stamp on curl and backpaper.
Keywords: Newspaper Politics

Character: Moon Mullins
Comic Strip: Moon Mullins
Pinback Date: 1930s
Manufacturer: Parisian Novelty
Text: Moon Mullins Our Next President. Endorsed By Lakes Hardware. 1218 E. 63rd St. H.P. 0967.
Notes: 2" celluloid with manufacturer stamp on curl.
Keywords: Politics

Character: Andy Gump
Comic Strip: Andy Gump
Pinback Set: Andy Gump for President
Pinback Date: 1920s
Manufacturer: Parisian Novelty
Text: Andy Gump for President.
Notes: 1.125" lithograph with manufacturer stamp on reverse.
Keywords: Politics

Character: Andy Gump
Comic Strip: Andy Gump
Pinback Set: Andy Gump for President
Pinback Date: 1920s
Manufacturer: Parisian Novelty
Text: Andy Gump for President. Andy Goes To Walters For Drugs.
Notes: 1.25" celluloid with manufacturer stamp on curl.
Keywords: Politics

Character: Andy Gump
Comic Strip: Andy Gump
Pinback Set: Andy Gump for President
Pinback Date: 1920s
Manufacturer: Parisian Novelty
Text: Andy Gump for President. Andy Gump Nite. Wed. Aug. 27th. Midway Gardens
Notes: 1.25" celluloid with manufacturer stamp on curl and backpaper.
Keywords: Politics

Character: Andy Gump
Comic Strip: Andy Gump
Pinback Set: Andy Gump for President
Pinback Date: 1920s
Manufacturer: Parisian Novelty
Text: Andy Gump for President. Birmingham Slag Co. Slagtex Brick For Better Homes.
Notes: 1.25" celluloid with manufacturer stamp on curl.
Keywords: Politics

Character: Andy Gump
Comic Strip: Andy Gump
Pinback Set: Andy Gump for President
Pinback Date: 1920s
Manufacturer: Parisian Novelty
Text: Andy Gump for President. Campaign With Me. The Post-Standard.
Notes: 1.25" celluloid with manufacturer stamp on curl.
Keywords: Newspaper Politics

Character: Andy Gump
Comic Strip: Andy Gump
Pinback Set: Andy Gump for President
Pinback Date: 1920s
Manufacturer: Parisian Novelty
Text: Andy Gump for President. Follow The Gumps In The Free Press.
Notes: 1.25" celluloid with manufacturer stamp on curl.
Keywords: Newspaper Politics

Character: Andy Gump
Comic Strip: Andy Gump
Pinback Set: Andy Gump for President
Pinback Date: 1920s
Manufacturer: Parisian Novelty
Text: Andy Gump for President. Follow The Gumps. Read It In The World Herald.
Notes: 1.25" celluloid with manufacturer stamp on curl.
Keywords: Newspaper Politics

Character: Andy Gump
Comic Strip: Andy Gump
Pinback Set: Andy Gump for President
Pinback Date: 1920s
Manufacturer: Parisian Novelty
Text: Andy Gump for President. I Endorse The Atwater Kent Receiving Set.
Notes: 1.25" celluloid with manufacturer stamp on curl.
Keywords: Politics Radio

Character: Andy Gump
Comic Strip: Andy Gump
Pinback Set: Andy Gump for President
Pinback Date: 1930s
Manufacturer: Parisian Novelty
Text: Andy Gump for President. I Endorse The Auto Elect. & Service Corp.
Notes: 1.25" celluloid with manufacturer's stamp on curl.
Keywords: Politics

Character: Andy Gump
Comic Strip: Andy Gump
Pinback Set: Andy Gump for President
Pinback Date: 1920s
Manufacturer: Parisian Novelty
Text: Andy Gump for President. Lake Mills Evaporated Milk.
Notes: 1.25" celluloid with manufacturer stamp on curl.
Keywords: Milk Politics

Character: Andy Gump
Comic Strip: Andy Gump
Pinback Set: Andy Gump for President
Pinback Date: 1920s
Manufacturer: Parisian Novelty
Text: Andy Gump for President. My Platform. Eat Papendick's Dinner Belle Bread.
Notes: 1.25" celluloid with manufacturer stamp on curl.
Keywords: Bread Politics

Character: Andy Gump
Comic Strip: Andy Gump
Pinback Set: Andy Gump for President
Pinback Date: 1920s
Manufacturer: Parisian Novelty
Text: Andy Gump for President. My Platform. Eat Thompson's Ice Cream.
Notes: 1.25" celluloid with manufacturer stamp on curl.
Keywords: Ice-Cream Politics

Character: Andy Gump
Comic Strip: Andy Gump
Pinback Set: Andy Gump for President
Pinback Date: 1920s
Manufacturer: Parisian Novelty
Text: Andy Gump for President. My Platform. Smoke San Alto.
Notes: 1.25" celluloid with manufacturer stamp on curl.
Keywords: Politics Tobacco

Character: Andy Gump
Comic Strip: Andy Gump
Pinback Set: Andy Gump for President
Pinback Date: 1920s
Manufacturer: Parisian Novelty
Text: Andy Gump for President. Picture Frames. Watkins Paint & Glass Co.
Notes: 1.25" celluloid with manufacturer stamp on curl.
Keywords: Politics

Character: Andy Gump
Comic Strip: Andy Gump
Pinback Set: Andy Gump for President
Pinback Date: 1920s
Manufacturer: Parisian Novelty
Text: Andy Gump for President. The People's Choice. Huttig's for Millwork.
Notes: 1.25" celluloid with manufacturer stamp on curl.
Keywords: Politics

Character: Andy Gump
Comic Strip: Andy Gump
Pinback Set: Andy Gump for President
Pinback Date: 1930s
Manufacturer: Parisian Novelty
Text: Andy Gump for President. Wonder Milk.
Notes: 1.25" celluloid with manufacturer's stamp on curl.
Keywords: Food Milk Politics

Pinback Set: Hassan-Tokio
Pinback Date: 1910s
Manufacturer: Whitehead and Hoag
Text: I'll Take The Same
Notes: 7/8" celluloid with backpaper.
Keywords: Politics Tobacco

Character: Albert the Alligator
Comic Strip: Pogo
Pinback Set: Pogo for President
Pinback Date: 1960s
Text: Foggy Bottom Is Topless! Pogo for Pres.
Notes: 1.75" celluloid with copyright on front and union stamp on reverse.
Keywords: Politics

Character: Churchy La Femme
Comic Strip: Pogo
Pinback Set: Pogo for President
Pinback Date: 1960s
Text: Be Kind! You, Too, May Be A Father And Mother Some Day.
Notes: 1.75" celluloid with copyright on front and union stamp on reverse.
Keywords: Politics

Character: Churchy La Femme
Comic Strip: Pogo
Pinback Set: Pogo for President
Pinback Date: 1960s
Text: Pogo Will Not Play Possum In The White House!
Notes: 1.75" celluloid with copyright on front and union stamp on reverse.
Keywords: Politics

Character: Pogo
Comic Strip: Pogo
Pinback Set: Pogo for President
Pinback Date: 1960s
Text: I'm For Equal Uncivil Rites. Pogo for Pres.
Notes: 1.75" celluloid with copyright on front and union stamp on reverse.
Keywords: Politics

Character: Pogo
Comic Strip: Pogo
Pinback Set: Pogo for President
Pinback Date: 1960s
Text: Up The Down Escalation! Pogo for Pres.
Notes: 1.75" celluloid with copyright on front and union stamp on reverse.
Keywords: Politics

Character: Porky Pine
Comic Strip: Pogo
Pinback Set: Pogo for President
Pinback Date: 1960s
Text: Head Start Program: Jump The Gun! Pogo for Pres.
Notes: 1.75" celluloid with copyright on front and union stamp on reverse.
Keywords: Politics

Character: Porky Pine
Comic Strip: Pogo
Pinback Set: Pogo for President
Pinback Date: 1960s
Text: What's The Ceiling On The Presidensity?
Notes: 1.75" celluloid with copyright on front and union stamp on reverse.
Keywords: Politics

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All pinback images are copyrighted by their respective owners.
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